10: From Hard Beginnings to Training Conquerers: Dr. Ted Roberts Shares His Powerful Life Story

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The Transformation Podcast

10: From Hard Beginnings to Training Conquerers: Dr. Ted Roberts Shares His Powerful Life Story

The Transformation Podcast         The Transformation Podcast        
10: From Hard Beginnings to Training Conquerers: Dr. Ted Roberts Shares His Powerful Life Story           10: From Hard Beginnings to Training Conquerers: Dr. Ted Roberts Shares His Powerful Life Story          
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    Show Notes

    Today, Dr. Ted Roberts leads a ministry that has impacted over a million men, but it was a long climb–and required a healthy dose of God’s grace–to get to that point. Growing up with an alcoholic mom and being at the mercy of seven abusive stepfathers, Dr. Roberts was full of pain but no godly wisdom for knowing what to do with it. He determined to make something of himself in the world’s eyes and eventually found himself flying missions in Vietnam as an elite fighter pilot for the Marines.

    Yet, this endeavor didn’t bring healing. It wasn’t until he found Christ in the midst of a Vietcong rocket attack that healing truly came. The next day after he had given his life to Christ, he was miraculously saved from a Vietcong ambush in his fighter plane. The Lord spoke to the young Roberts and telling him that He protected him because he had given his life to Christ the night before.

    Over the course of the next season of his life, God freed him from many vices, including sexual addiction. Later, God would use him to lead many out of their own addictions.

    Some years later, he was led into the ministry where he reluctantly took over a dying church with orders from his denominational supervisors to shut it down. The church was millions of dollars behind in their building payment. God told Ted that he would miraculously pay it off within a year and almost to the hour, it was paid off. 10 years later, the church was thriving at 7,000 people, 85% of which were new believers in Jesus. At the heart of this miniature revival was a healing ministry where a 1/3 of the participants had no background with church. Great numbers of people gave their lives to Christ as they found healing from the brokenness that had plagued their lives. These people were encountering the truth of God for the first time, while finding tangible, and eternal, freedom from sexual addiction, substance abuse and countless other areas of brokenness. If some church members had an issue, the church would start a Christ-centered group to address it with notable results.

    These days, Dr. Ted leads Pure Desire Ministries, where he councils pastors away from sexual bondage. He also is featured as the main teacher in the Conquer Series, which has impacted the lives of countless men, giving them freedom from pornography addiction and sexual bondage. Listen to this week’s episode to hear the inspiring details of this godly man’s life!

    • Dr. Roberts also developed Seven Pillars of Freedom, an in-depth character-development program for men.
    • Ted and his wife have been married over 50 years! His wife "Went fishing" for him in college: after noticing him on campus, she began to strategically plan her schedule around his.
    • Jeremy Wiles, the producer of the Conquer Series, called Dr. Roberts out of the blue, saying he was the only one that Jeremy could find that seemed to have an effective understanding for how men can get free of sexual addiction. The Conquer Series was born.
    • 1/3 of internet traffic is porn-related, but the Conquer Series is helping countless men make a break from the patterns of the world.
    • A funny story from Dr. Ted's first experience praying in public as a young believer took place at his wife's women's bible study. Not knowing any better, he spoke the prayer, "Whatever the hell you want us to do, we're ready." The women were gracious in response.

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